Se me seguem nas redes sociais, já sabem que há duas semanas fiz um workshop the serigrafia.
O que não sabem é que adorei! Aliás, eu própria não sabia que ia gostar tanto.
Ia um bocado a medo e optei por utilizar uma versão da ilustração que fiz para o meu cartão pessoal (isto lembra-me que ainda não fiz um post sobre esse assunto).
Deste dia resultou uma vontade enorme de investir em material (Pai Natal, se estás a ouvir isto, toma atenção) e uma série de 15 serigrafias.
Quando cheguei a casa com elas debaixo do braço, espalhei-as pela sala e reparei que, por coincidência, as cores que utilizei eram bastante natalícias: vermelho, verde e dourado.
Esta série está longe de ser perfeita, mas é minha e foi a primeira e por isso tem para mim um valor super especial.
Tão especial que achei que era triste ficarem fechadas no escritório e foi por isso que decidi sortear 3 delas pelas pessoas que têm seguido o meu trabalho nos últimos tempos. Sim, não é só uma, são três, uma de cada uma das cores que usei.
Sou tão novata nestas coisas que me esqueci de as assinar antes das fotos, mas todas vão ser numeradas e assinadas e com sorte vão fazer alguém feliz.
O sorteio é o normal da Era facebook:
1º convém que gostem da somebodyelsa no facebook
2º partilham de forma pública o post do concurso;
3º peçam uma cunha ao Pai Natal.
Não sei se se percebe bem pelas fotos mas os três exemplares foram feitos em papeis diferentes:
No vermelho o papel é mais esbranquiçado, no dourando usei cartolina cinzenta e o verde foi feito num papel amarelado.
Espero que gostem e participem.
This is a post about this silkscreen workshop I took two weeks ago. I loved it! So much that I'm actually considering buying the materials to start doing it more regularly.
From this workshop I ended up with a series of 15 silkscreens. My first silkscreens! They are not perfect but I like them a lot and I thought it would be sad to just keep them stored so I decided to have a little giveaway of three of them (red, gold and green).
Now, the reason this post is not translated is because this is a national giveaway, sorry. Maybe next time?
9 December 2014
30 November 2014
december calendar
Chegou dezembro (bem, chega dentro de umas horas) e com ele o último calendário do ano.
Consegui manter-me fiel a este projecto, com poucos atrasos e mesmo quando me senti menos inspirada, como aconteceu em setembro.
Usei o calendário todos os meses e fiquei muito contente quando sabia que havia uma nova pessoa a usá-los também, obrigada!
Ainda não sei se vou fazer um calendário para o próximo ano mas estou contente pelos últimos 12 meses.
Aqui fica o último calendário, espero que gostem.
December has arrived (it will in a few hours) and so has the last calendar of the year.
I was able to stick to the project and with little delays! Even when I felt really uninspired as it happened in september.
I used the calendar every month and was very happy everytime I knew somebody ele was using it too.
I still don't know if I'll keep this project next year but I'm happy for the last 12 months.
Here is the last calendar, hope you like it.
Consegui manter-me fiel a este projecto, com poucos atrasos e mesmo quando me senti menos inspirada, como aconteceu em setembro.
Usei o calendário todos os meses e fiquei muito contente quando sabia que havia uma nova pessoa a usá-los também, obrigada!
Ainda não sei se vou fazer um calendário para o próximo ano mas estou contente pelos últimos 12 meses.
Aqui fica o último calendário, espero que gostem.
December has arrived (it will in a few hours) and so has the last calendar of the year.
I was able to stick to the project and with little delays! Even when I felt really uninspired as it happened in september.
I used the calendar every month and was very happy everytime I knew somebody ele was using it too.
I still don't know if I'll keep this project next year but I'm happy for the last 12 months.
Here is the last calendar, hope you like it.
10 November 2014
ABZZZZ - book review
Quando soube que o Planeta Tangerina ia lançar um livro sobre o alfabeto, fiquei imediatamente alerta, afina é a junção de duas coisas que adoro: Letras e os livros da Planeta.
Assim que o encontrei à venda comprei-o. Não tive muito tempo para o folhear na livraria mas também não era necessário, sabia que ia ser uma óptima compra.
O ABZZZZ junta ao abecedário e à ilustração outra coisa de que gosto muito... dormir. É um livro que se prontifica a ajudar o leitor a adormecer "muito antes de o abecedário chegar ao fim".
When I found out that Planeta Tangerina was going to launch a book about the alphabet I was immediately interested. It's the combination of two things I love: Letters and the books from Planeta Tangerina.
I bought it as soon as it hit the stores. I didn't have much time to browse the book before buying it but there was no need to, I already knew it was going to be an excellent buy.
In ABZZZZ there's illustration, there's letters and there's also one other thing I like a lot: sleeping. It's a book that tries to help the reader fall asleep "long before the alphabet is over".
If you're a Planeta Tangerina fan like I am you'll definitely like this book.
A great book for a rainy sunday afternoon.
Assim que o encontrei à venda comprei-o. Não tive muito tempo para o folhear na livraria mas também não era necessário, sabia que ia ser uma óptima compra.
O ABZZZZ junta ao abecedário e à ilustração outra coisa de que gosto muito... dormir. É um livro que se prontifica a ajudar o leitor a adormecer "muito antes de o abecedário chegar ao fim".
When I found out that Planeta Tangerina was going to launch a book about the alphabet I was immediately interested. It's the combination of two things I love: Letters and the books from Planeta Tangerina.
I bought it as soon as it hit the stores. I didn't have much time to browse the book before buying it but there was no need to, I already knew it was going to be an excellent buy.
In ABZZZZ there's illustration, there's letters and there's also one other thing I like a lot: sleeping. It's a book that tries to help the reader fall asleep "long before the alphabet is over".
Para mim, o mais impressionante de ABZZZZ foi a forma como a Yara conseguiu criar uma harmonia em cada spread apesar de em cada págia se tratar de uma letra diferente e muitas vezes com temas bastante distintos.
To me, the most amazing thing in ABZZZZ was Yara's ability to create this harmony in each spread even if each page is about a different letter and the themes are often quite distincts.
Se, como eu, são fãs do Planeta Tangerina, vão gostar de certeza.
Um óptimo livro para uma tarde chuvosa de domingo.
A great book for a rainy sunday afternoon.
1 November 2014
november calendar
Hello there,
it's that time of the month again! And I can't believe it's november already! I managed to create eleven monthly calendars, can't quit now, right?
For this calendar I created two different sketches but wasn't satisfied with none of them so I ended up searching through my sketchbooks and decided to update this fisherman I created one day on a rather boring train ride. And he had to have a moustache in movember, don't you agree?
Hopefully you'll like it!
5 October 2014
Love Letters from Somebodyelsa - the process
If you follow me on instragram or facebook you already know about this project of mine where I created an alphabet. To finish it I decided to film a video showing the creative process I usually went through. I really like watching these kind of videos so hopefully you'll like it too.
This was the first video of this kind that I created and I must tell you, it didn't go smoothly.
This was the first video of this kind that I created and I must tell you, it didn't go smoothly.
First I made it with this really crappy camera with really
crappy quality which I didn't realise until I watched it on the computer. The
quality was so crappy I couldn't use it.
On to the second try. This time I used my phone, the quality
was fine for what I needed but.... I ran out of space and only noticed it 30
minutes into editing.
Third time's the charm and this video came out. Except it
was so big it took me a lot of time to edit it because my computer couldn't
handle it.
30 September 2014
October Calendar
Finally a wallpaper that's not late!
The lettering was created for a wedding invitation I did and I liked how it turned out so I just got it a bit more themed. The illustration itself was created on a plane back home from the UK, it's amazing how much I can get done when there are no distractions. Maybe I should travel a lot more, for the sake of my productivity of course.
Hopefully I'll update the blog before the next calendar.
2 September 2014
September calendar
It seems like it has become an habit for the calendar to be a bit late every month.
This month was particularly difficult. With a 3 week pause it's been very hard to get back on track but we'll get there.
2 August 2014
august calendar
Hello there!
Here I am again posting my calendar one day late.
This illustration is based on myself and how I face summer those long summer days at the beach. I'm this really pale girl (like a vampire) who you will always find on the shade when I'm at the beach.
Hopefully some of you can relate to this too.
Enjoy your summer days and your vacations. I will surely enjoy mine.
2 July 2014
July Calendar
Hello there!
Just a quick post to share this months calendar. It was inspired by the hot july days but also by the days that were spent in Barcelona, where there was a lot of sun but less icecream than expected.
This month I did something I don't usually do: I created this illustration today, usually it takes me a little more time, two days at least, on and off, as I like to take my mind off it and come back later to see if I still like what I did.
But then I remembered why I started this project. It was to try different things and this month was different, so it's all good.
Hope you enjoy it
Just a quick post to share this months calendar. It was inspired by the hot july days but also by the days that were spent in Barcelona, where there was a lot of sun but less icecream than expected.
This month I did something I don't usually do: I created this illustration today, usually it takes me a little more time, two days at least, on and off, as I like to take my mind off it and come back later to see if I still like what I did.
But then I remembered why I started this project. It was to try different things and this month was different, so it's all good.
Hope you enjoy it
23 June 2014
Book Haul - Book Fair
decidi voltar a escrever também em português, percebi que escrever só em inglês estava a bloquear-me, e eu, que já de mim não sou muito dada a grandes conversas, estava a escrever cada vez menos.
Ultimamente tenho sido muito pouco produtiva, a quantidade de coisas para fazer é cada vez maior e a vontade de as fazer é inversamente proporcional. Mas quanto menos faço mais triste me sinto, por isso estou numa espiral.
Partilhei isso com uma pessoa que me disse que podia tentar começar por fazer alguma coisa de que gostasse, que não parecesse uma obrigação e talvez assim conseguisse voltar a produzir.
Sobre esta última parte não sei, mas a verdade é que no passado sábado olhei para a pilha de livros que comprei este ano na Feira do Livro e que ainda não tinha arrumado e decidi fazer um vídeo para mostrar os novos tesouros que fazem agora parte da minha - ainda pequena colecção.
E foi divertido.
I decided to restart writting in portuguese and translating it later because writting originally in english as it's not my main language and it's rusty so I always ended up writting a lot less than I wanted.
Lately I haven't been that productive. I have so many things to do that my will to them is close to none. But the less I do the sadder I feel, so it's a spiral, really.
I shared this with someone how told me that I could start by doing something that didn't feel like an obligation and that maybe that way I could restart being productive.
About that last part I still don't know yet but the truth is that last saturday I looked at this pile of books I bought at this years Book Fairand decided to make a video showing the new treasures that are now part od my little collection.
And it was fun to make.
decidi voltar a escrever também em português, percebi que escrever só em inglês estava a bloquear-me, e eu, que já de mim não sou muito dada a grandes conversas, estava a escrever cada vez menos.
Ultimamente tenho sido muito pouco produtiva, a quantidade de coisas para fazer é cada vez maior e a vontade de as fazer é inversamente proporcional. Mas quanto menos faço mais triste me sinto, por isso estou numa espiral.
Partilhei isso com uma pessoa que me disse que podia tentar começar por fazer alguma coisa de que gostasse, que não parecesse uma obrigação e talvez assim conseguisse voltar a produzir.
Sobre esta última parte não sei, mas a verdade é que no passado sábado olhei para a pilha de livros que comprei este ano na Feira do Livro e que ainda não tinha arrumado e decidi fazer um vídeo para mostrar os novos tesouros que fazem agora parte da minha - ainda pequena colecção.
E foi divertido.
I decided to restart writting in portuguese and translating it later because writting originally in english as it's not my main language and it's rusty so I always ended up writting a lot less than I wanted.
Lately I haven't been that productive. I have so many things to do that my will to them is close to none. But the less I do the sadder I feel, so it's a spiral, really.
I shared this with someone how told me that I could start by doing something that didn't feel like an obligation and that maybe that way I could restart being productive.
About that last part I still don't know yet but the truth is that last saturday I looked at this pile of books I bought at this years Book Fairand decided to make a video showing the new treasures that are now part od my little collection.
And it was fun to make.
3 June 2014
June Calendar
Hello there!
I really shouldn't blog only when the month begins and there's another calendar to share. In the last month I had little internet access, so there's that. Hopefully june will be better post wise.
Anyway, about this months calendar I totally forgot about it till may 30th, but here it is!
So it's june and half of the calendar illustrations are done. It actually feels great to realize that I was able to do it for six months, only six more to go.
What is also great is the feedback I've been getting, there is a lot more people using my calendar than I ever expected, so that makes me happy...
Hopefully you'll find this calendar funny and it will make you happy too.
2 May 2014
May Calendar
It's that time of the month again.
April was a very special and busy month and flew by so fast. May promises to be busy too, let's see how it goes, also, I currently have no internet connection at home which is new to me and is the reason why this calendar comes two days late.
If you follow me on Instagram you may notice this months illustration is based on an illustration I did to give my mother on Mother's day (I'll post about it later). Mothers are so important that one day to commemorate them is not enough, how about a full month?
Hope you like it.
April was a very special and busy month and flew by so fast. May promises to be busy too, let's see how it goes, also, I currently have no internet connection at home which is new to me and is the reason why this calendar comes two days late.
If you follow me on Instagram you may notice this months illustration is based on an illustration I did to give my mother on Mother's day (I'll post about it later). Mothers are so important that one day to commemorate them is not enough, how about a full month?
Hope you like it.
13 April 2014
36 days of type
Hello there!
This is a post to tell you about a project I'm participating in. It's called 36 days of type and it's just what the title says, you're supposed to create a different letter (and after that, the numbers) every day.
I only heard about it the day it started and since one of my goals is to train my typography skills, this seemed like a good idea. Not so much when I think about all the actual work I have to finish but I'll keep doing it until I can't. This is supposed to be a very busy month, not the greatest time to start a new project but we'll see how it goes.
You may notice the D letter is missing, that's because I didn't like what I created, maybe I'll go back and redo it latter.
6 April 2014
sunday is take-photos-of-your-pets day
Hello there!
Today I had the rare opportunity to be alone with my pets all morning and they were so quiet - which is ever rarer, believe me - that I could photograph them, something I don't usually do because they hate it.
They never appeared on the blog though they've made a few aperances on instagram, so let me introduce them. These are Dori, a two year old completely out of her mind beagle, and Rafa, a 9 year old stray cat.
Today I had the rare opportunity to be alone with my pets all morning and they were so quiet - which is ever rarer, believe me - that I could photograph them, something I don't usually do because they hate it.
They never appeared on the blog though they've made a few aperances on instagram, so let me introduce them. These are Dori, a two year old completely out of her mind beagle, and Rafa, a 9 year old stray cat.
31 March 2014
April Calendar
Hello there!
It's that time of the month again!
March flew by so fast, some important things happened that will keep me busy all through april and hopefully things will turn out great.
If you read my March post you know that this months calendar was already almost finished. This is probably the reason I'm not late this month but who cares?
There's also a small change, the desktop version is bigger this month as some people were having a hard time resizing it. If it's too big for you, resizing it will probably do the trick.
If you find something you think could be better not be shy to say so.
It's that time of the month again!
March flew by so fast, some important things happened that will keep me busy all through april and hopefully things will turn out great.
If you read my March post you know that this months calendar was already almost finished. This is probably the reason I'm not late this month but who cares?
There's also a small change, the desktop version is bigger this month as some people were having a hard time resizing it. If it's too big for you, resizing it will probably do the trick.
If you find something you think could be better not be shy to say so.
21 March 2014
10 March 2014
I can fly - book review
Hello there,
this second book review comes because I loved this book so much that I wanted to tell the world about how awesome it is.
I Can Fly was written by Ruth Krauss and illustrated by Mary Blair and is part of the Little Golden Book Classics collection.
This book from 1951 and renewed in 1979 is a small rhyme about a little girl with a lot of imagination that plays with a different animal in each spread.
My favourite thing about this book as to be the illustrations. I didn't know Mary Blair's works before but found them so magical that a book with a selection of her from this collection is already on its way.
The book ends (I've seen that in other edition this comes in the begining but I actually prefer it in the end) with a lovely bordered sheet of music called "I can fly" in which the lyrics are the text of the book.
this second book review comes because I loved this book so much that I wanted to tell the world about how awesome it is.
I Can Fly was written by Ruth Krauss and illustrated by Mary Blair and is part of the Little Golden Book Classics collection.
This book from 1951 and renewed in 1979 is a small rhyme about a little girl with a lot of imagination that plays with a different animal in each spread.
My favourite thing about this book as to be the illustrations. I didn't know Mary Blair's works before but found them so magical that a book with a selection of her from this collection is already on its way.
The book ends (I've seen that in other edition this comes in the begining but I actually prefer it in the end) with a lovely bordered sheet of music called "I can fly" in which the lyrics are the text of the book.
What better book to read in an afternoon in the sun?
If you want to buy it you can for only €4.23 for example in Book Depository.
See you soon.
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